Josef Polcz Swims to beat and concour Lake Ontario ( postponed )
To Swim 52km across Lake Ontario from Niagara On The Lake (NOTL) to Toronto's Marilyn Bell Park (MBP)
SWIM FOR LIFE.... Josef Polcz Swims 52km across Lake Ontario to raise money for RVH Cancer Center...
Dedicated to my mother Catherina Polcz, and all Cancer survivors.

(Start time pending weather)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Got hungry, must eat!

Swam 1000m in 18min, then swam 1000m in 18min then swam 1000m in 18min ....

If I had more energy, I would have swam more 1000m in 18min, but I called it a day as I was hungry and was lacking energy! ...I didn't even do any diving?!!

I must start eating a little breakfast before my swims at holly so I can swim more 1000m in 18min! and get in some diving after, before going up to the gym for my planned run and weights!  ;)

Normally I don't have a problem with working out before I eat breakfast, but my workouts at Holly are later  in the morning 11am - 2pm, then I go to work straight from there as the rec center is on the other end of town and on my way to work.

My other swims at East Bayfield just a few block form my house are at 9-9:30am or when ever I get up in the mornings to swim on Mon, Wed, and Friday's, and is a shorter workout so I can manage until I get home to eat! then chill a bit before going to work.

Lesson learned! lol

But since I had time from cutting my swim short from lack of energy today, I had time to drive all the way back home to eat before going to work, so I stopped by the store to buy some buns and half pound of oven roast chicken slices, a brick of old cheese, chocolate milk and eggs.

When I got home I made four sandwiches. I ate one and and a half sandwiches, drank a half liter of my 1ltr of chocolate milk and put the eggs in the fridge for my breakfast tomorrow. I wrapped the half sandwich I didn't eat to give to Joanne for her dinner and packed the other two sandwiches for my dinner at work.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Swimming going well

My swimming is going well, but I need a longer pool! this going back and forth is getting boring! lol 

I'm pretty much swimming 3000m to 4000m daily now with ease, including  throwing in some diving, running and weights every other day after and a bike ride once a week usually on the weekend.....

Next week I plan to start swimming a 3-4hr weekly long swim, but time is a factor during the day to swim that long before heading to work and weekends don't have any lane swims long enough,  Hmmmm? 

I'll work it out!  lol


Saturday, February 23, 2013

RVH Foundation offical Web Donation page is active Please Donate!

I finally got my Official RVH Foundation page up with the help of the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation...

RVH Foundation official Web Donation page is active!!

All donations made here go directly to RVH Foundation!!

Please Donate by checking out my Official RVH Foundation Donation web page.

You can click on the RVH Foundation logo on the side of my Blog to see it and make your donation....

OR Click this link below....

I Thank You  and RVH Foundation thank you for your support!!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Easy swim, No swim

Wednesdays swim - 2000m easy

Today no swim.  I was planning a 4000m swim but?.....

I got ready to go to the pool and drove all the way to Holly before I realized I forgot my swim gear. lol ....Oh well! So I went home and now there is not enough time to swim as I have to get ready for work!

I do some sort of workout at work!  Some of the advantages of having a School size gym at work! ;)


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fun Family Day Weekend

Well I didn't meet my weeks swim goal.  I only managed 16,000m for the week.

Saturday I went out snowshoeing with Joanne and some friends and managed a pretty hard 3k trail hike through the forest. We had fun.
Joanne and me with Logan, my friends grandson sitting on a hunters perch.

I got in an hour swim on Sunday and nothing on Monday, as it was Family day and the pool was only open a few hours for public swimming, no lanes!  So I took the day to lounge around all day and catch up with all my recorded TV shows.


I made up for lost time by putting in a solid 4k swim then did some diving for fun as usual. lol


Friday, February 15, 2013

Boring I know!

Boring I know!.....

Well, here is today workout.

3000m straight swim.

Maybe I'll have more to write over this long weekend? .....Did I say long weekend!?  Monday is the new family day holiday! Woo Hoo!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Swim and Diving

Today's workout

2000m fs warm up

20 X 100 in 1:40 with min rest
warm down

Total 4200m.

20 min diving


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Good workout today

Monday - No swim.....

Instead I did weights and rode the bike 30

Tuesday-Today swim was

1000m warm up
20 X 100 on 1:40 with 30second rest
10 X 100 ......breast 1st 25m, and 3rd 25m  freestyle hard 2nd 25m and 4th 25m in 2min, 15-30second rest between
Warm down...
Then Springboard diving 20min dryed off and changed into running gear.
Ran treadmill 15min and did some weights

Then went to work.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

This weeks Swim total

Feb 4 - Feb 10


Total for this week....

18,000m or 18km. :)

And I'm feeling good!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Snow day and rest

It was a dark and stomy day......lol

Snowmageddon!!  first major snow storm in about 3 years dropping around 2.5 feet or more of snow. Needless to say I took a snow day off work as there is no way i could drive in this mess specially when i have a 90k commute!

After snow-blowing my driveway I went to the pool, which was no easy feet driving with the heavy snow covered roads. I only swam 1000m recovery swim as my arms are still tired from yesterdays workout. But I must say my swim was smooth and effortless!

I barely got home, almost getting stuck only 100m from my driveway, but with patients and backing up and forward I finally got to the safe haven of my plowed driveway which needed to be snow-blown again.....

Then the city snow-plough came by, plowing a massive amount of snow banks in front of all the drives-ways, except mine! lol. 

As I stood there with my snow-blower idling, waiting for him to plough our court, he was kind enough to push the snow away from my drive-way and into the middle of the court, as my house is the last house in the court if you drive counter clockwise, and normally if he were to plow around I would get the brunt of the snow banks pushed into my drive-way.

Then he proceeded to plough in all my neighbours driveway's with 4 foot snow banks! lol. I waved to him thanking him and he waved me back! .....What a nice driver! :)

The third time I went out to snow-blow, I saw neighbours shoveling, and there is alot of snow!!  so I took my snow-blower over and helped them out, I ended up clearing five neighbours driveway's, because that's the way I am! ;)

Kaiya is enjoying the snow!

Here is the Barrie CTV coverage of the Winterfest polar bear dip from last Sunday as promised....

Barrie Winterfest CTV coverage of Polar dip


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Holly workout today

Wednesday pool swim 4000m

Today, 1000m straight in 15:30min .... There was another guy in the lane I was trying to keep up with, which helped me get a new PB for my 1000m

Then I did 10 X 100m on 1:50 with 20 seconds rest between for a total of 2000m today.

I had some fun diving for 20min after that, dried off and went up to the gym for a 15min treadmill run and some weights.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Super Bowl Weekend

I didn't get much swimming in but did manage to go for a lake swim at the Annual Barrie Winterfest Polar bear dip. I wasn't first this time, a couple of young girls beat me to the front of the line and I came out an hour early! lol

Well there was Ice! I was really surprised as there was open water only 5 day earlier, but it wasn't strong enough to let people on being only 2-3 inches, The firemen cut a large hole and people were only allowed to go in a couple at a time as spectators watched from shore..... It turns out there were over 180 people who took the plunge.

I also got on the CTV Barrie news with them interviewing me and mentioning that I'm doing the Lake-O swim as they showed me jumping in doing a double twist into the chilly water! I'll post that up later when I get time.

In the mean time,  here is my own video of me going in on You tube


And I of course watched all the Superbowl shows and game afterwards to finish off my Sunday. :)
Today's workout

3000m swim.

20min diving.

30min weights.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 27

So much for my swim today!

I forgot there is a swim meet going on at my pool this weekend and so?... I shall not swim this weekend.

That said, Tomorrow is the Barrie Winter-fest Polar bear swim at Centennial beach and as usual for over 10 years now.  I will again be the first one to jump in as I have done over the past 4-5 years and hopefully get on CTV news again and maybe get another plug in for my Lake Ontario swim?

Last year I went in first with Jennifer Robinson (Five time Canadian figure skating Champion)  as I let her in line with me being the celebrity she is, as I was first in line to go in and I over heard her talking to the man in charge (Brad McConnel; who is on my team for my Lake Ontario swim) and she wanted to go first, so I waved her over to go with me being the nice guy I am.

This is a pic of last year. I'm in the water at the bottom right watching as Jennifer twists.
 As it stands, I don't know if we will be going in the water from the ice this year ? Normally they cut a hole in the ice for us to jump in, but as we still had open water as of last Tuesday because of this mild winter, then a cold snap since, the lake  only had a thin layer of ice, so they might have to break up a path of the thin ice to clear the area for a run in and dunk, which will be a first for this event? Is this a result of Global warming? Either way the water is still DAMN COLD!! lol  I'll have a full report of the Polar bear dip tomorrow.

In the mean time,..... Today's training was biking for 30 min and weights.


Friday, February 1, 2013