Josef Polcz Swims to beat and concour Lake Ontario ( postponed )
To Swim 52km across Lake Ontario from Niagara On The Lake (NOTL) to Toronto's Marilyn Bell Park (MBP)
SWIM FOR LIFE.... Josef Polcz Swims 52km across Lake Ontario to raise money for RVH Cancer Center...
Dedicated to my mother Catherina Polcz, and all Cancer survivors.

(Start time pending weather)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!

What a beautiful day today! I got outside for my first bike ride of the season with bright sunny sky's little wind and the temp around 10C 50F  Still a bit chilly for me and with my bike speed there is a wind chill factor! lol but the excitement of getting out on the bike out ways the temp!

But now I have a phlegmy cough brought on by the heavy breathing and cold air while biking, oh well it is worth it, and I will be better tomorrow.

I was planning on riding 90k but knew I wouldn't because of the cold so I only did 20k TT...Man am I out of biking shape!.... then I went to the pool for a half hour swim!

Tomorrow is Easter and I will be having a nice little turkey Easter dinner with the family.

Happy Easter!


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Medical exam done!

I had my medical exam done today! All the paper work was  filled out by my Doc and had my ECG exam done.

My Doc gave me the green light for my swim writing in the paper work that I am a healthy Triathlete! .....I just have to wait for the ECG results to come back so I can attach a copy to the rest of the paperwork  to submit to SOLO Swim.

Things are coming together! Woooo!

Now it's time to put my head down and start my real training with 16 weeks to go today!

Happy Easter weekend!!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Much better

I had a much better swim today feeling good and smooth for 1 1/2 hr and some diving after for fun.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Swimming up stream

Sundays swim was an intense 1hr of hard 100's I didn't think I worked to hard but when I went for today's swim I felt like I was swimming up stream both ways with lead weights on my arms, but managed a solid swim doing 250m sets resting a min between sets x 12,  for an hour.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Life gets in the way of training

Friday's swim was 1hr of speed.

I was looking forward to a long swim today (Saturday) but as it turns out life gets in the way of training, and in this case life being death. My sister in-laws father died this week and we are going to the funeral today.

Training will resume tomorrow with a long swim at East Bayfield pool, then I'll be going up to the gym to do some weights, treadmill running and biking back at home in the warmth and comfort of my living room as it is still to much snow with another 2 inch dumping last night and to cold to ride outside......when will this winter end?!!

This is how much snow we still have, and the conditions I would deal with if I were to bike outside today!...lol


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Look Ma!

Look ma! No cavities! lol

Went to the dentist today so no swim workout. :)

Yesterday swam 1hr


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday swim

Monday - One hour easy swim

Today - I swam at Holly for an hour doing a straight 2000m at a hard pace, halfway though some chick jumps in my lane to swim, which is fine, we only have a fast lane which I was swimming in first and a slow lane for everyone else, all of two people In that lane? but after passing her 2 times per length I was getting frustrated! finally the lifeguard asked her to move to the other lane  so i could finish up my sets!  Then I did some diving went to the hot pool to stretch and relax, then I jumped back into the pool for another few hundred meters before calling it a day.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday swim

After a great party last night at some friends to celebrate ST Paddy's day with more then my share of Guinness, I was still able to have a solid swim!

I swam 4k in under 1:12hrs and finished off with a nice warm down for a total of 1:30 hrs swim!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Swim totals lagging

This weeks swim total are lagging as predicted because of working days and lack of pool times when I could swim without losing precious sleep time.

I got in a solid hour swim today and will do a longer swim tomorrow if they keep a lane open for public swim and I'm not to hung over from the ST Paddy's day party I'm going to tonight. lol ;)

Next week I'll be back on schedule and will ramp up my swim times as I'm back on my regular evening shift, getting back to my morning swims and workouts.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tuesday totals

After a hard day lugging furniture around and working my machines i managed to get to the pool for a good 1.75 hour swim.

My plan was after my short bike ride on my bike trainer at home I would head out to the rec center for the 8:15 - 9:15pm  lane swim.

I left my house to go to the gym first for 6:30 to do some running and weights, ( not that I needed to  do weights? as with all the lifting I did today at work was equivalent to lifting 50lb kettle bells doing around 200 reps!! lol ) ...anyway as I get to the pool and I see it is open for public swim with a lane open for lane swimming, so I decided forget the running! I'll jump in the pool instead and get more then my planned 1hr swim!

I start swimming lengths with heavy arms due to all my lifting today but one I warmed up I felt better. I swam steady for 40 min, then the lifeguard tells me they are closing down the lane for aqua fit class which goes on for 45 min before they open up the lanes for lane swimming at 8:15pm...

So I decide I'll just stay in the pool head out to the deep end and pretend I'm doing aqua fit with the class.  I was doing my own version of aqua fit in the deep end while class was going on.

I mostly did water running, then some stationary hard kicking and arm waving workouts while treading and bobbing in the deep end the whole time. I treaded and bobbed my workout for the full 45 min until lane swim started up and then swam lengths another 20min before calling it a day!


Monday, March 11, 2013

Solid Swim

I had a solid straight 6k swim Saturday in under 2 hours, maintaining a 3k/hr relaxed pace. I could have gone on longer, and was planning on going for another hour, but I was getting bored with the back and forth swimming in the pool. I can't wait to get out on the lake.

March break means I'm working day's this week, 7am-3pm  I hate it because I have to get up at 5am to get ready for work, so no morning swims. If i swim this week the only lane swim time is at 8:30pm - 9:30pm and that is to late for me, I might go a couple of times this week if I'm not to tired.  So instead my plan is to cut back my swim this week and work on my running, biking and weights which I can do after work and before dinner time.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursdays swim

Today's workout......Just an easy 3000m and some diving, planing a big day for Saturday.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Just swim

Todays swim,

200m warm up
20 x 100 in 1:40 on 2:00
300 warm down


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Back on track

Ok I'm feeling better, still congested but able to get back on track with my training.

Monday I swam 2000m and Today I swam 3000m  then did some diving for a while then went back and swam another 1000m  before going to work.

All donations are welcome!

Donations are coming in nicely! I want to give a big shout out and thank you to all that have donated so far in sponsoring me and  a special thank you to my friend Ricky Masicott for his donations in sponsoring me!

If you want to make a donation click donation link on the right of this blog.

Thank You.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Still sick

This cold is moving quickly from my sinus and throat into bouts of coughing fits and weakness. I still managed to go for a short easy swim of 2000m with these sets on Saturday

100m swim warm up
4x50m build
4x50m hard
4x50 race pace
2x50m easy
2x100 back....ok I don't do back so I did 50 breast 50 free
100m kick
5x100 mon 2:00
2x50m easy
300 warm down

Today still not feeing well and can't decide whether to go to the gym or not? Maybe not! ;)


Friday, March 1, 2013

Man cold Alert!

Ha! So it wasn't because of not eating breakfast yesterday that made me cut my workout short leaving me with no energy!

It was/is a man cold coming on!! lol ...Yes, I have a man cold and am suffering with razorblades in my throat! as well as  being all stuffed up...Blah!

But I forced myself up and out of bed this morning to go swim, even though I don't have the energy.  I mainly went today because a friend of mine at the pool, Maxine, has been trying to connect me to her sister in-law Annette Who I have been trying to meet with phone calls the last two weeks to set up meetings but our timing has been off.

One of the reasons for meeting  Annette is she wants to be a swim pacer for my lake swim and said she has connections with boats on lake Ontario, with the possibility of getting me the owner with 37 foot sail boat that she races on to volunteer for my lake swim.

So with sore throat and lack luster strength to swim I met up with Maxine and she introduced me to Annette! ....So as it stands I now have another swim pacer on my team ( and a good swimmer to boot! ) and possibly my second boat!

Oh! I think I may have swam about 1000m But i didn't count? lol
